Mazeppa Daze is coming soon! From July 11 – 14 there are events that will bring an overflow of neighbors, friends, and family having a great time. As always, it starts with the solemnity and honor of the flag ceremony at Jaycee Field. We thank those being honored for their service, and the members of American Legion Post 588 for making it happen. The parade, music, food, and events are organized by many groups of volunteers. Remember to thank the firefighters for the work they put into setting up and putting on the fireworks show. Thank the Lion’s Club for their dedication in preparing the chicken barbecue. This year there are some new events, including a lawn tractor pull, an antique tractor display, and a laser tag course. Many groups contribute to everything from organizing to cleanup. Several groups from Z-M Schools help in cleaning up after each day’s festivities. The effort and work to do all of this starts with the Mazeppa Daze committee. A big thanks to that group for making this happen and cleaning up afterwards. I ask all people coming to our community to help these volunteers out. Please respect property, park in an orderly fashion. Watch for pedestrians and pick up your trash. So, have a good time, AND be safe and be smart.