Missy's Message

My Word of the Year "Momentum"


A few years back, I started hearing about choosing a “word for the year” to describe yourself, basically in terms of improving your physical wellbeing in some way.

This year, I chose “momentum” (strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events).

Last month I talked about making more of a commitment to waking up at 6AM to exercise. Scheduling myself to attend a 6AM Zoom exercise class or meeting my bestie Jenny and to walk has helped me stay on track. My goal this year is to keep moving forward and to keep building off a solid foundation. Momentum can be used in more broad terms, in my organizing home/work/cabin, in business staying on task and getting stuff done. Also in exercise, Keep working up to more days of structured exercise per week, exercise zoom classes, more walking per day, drinking more water etc.

Don’t look back. Keep up momentum; keep on moving forward. What’s your word of the year?