The Zumbrota-Mazeppa School District has three seats of the six positions to be filled in this fall’s November 5th general election. Seven have filed to fill the seats including the incumbents. Angie Bredehoft, Jason Lohmann and Stephanie Miller are the incumbents. Matthew Brenden, James Lohmann, Greg Mort and Aaron Stahosky are also running. The top three vote getters will be seated on the school board.
Salary and pay increases were proposed in the August school board work session. These include the principal’s salary to $131,145 in 2024-25 and $135,735 in 2025-26. Dean of students, activities director and instructional coaches to $99,939 in 2024-25 and $103,436 in 2025-26. Substitute teachers will remain at $165 per day, $5.00 more for retired Z-M teachers, for 2024-25. Substitute bus drivers will receive $27.25 per hour, the substitute nurse receives $35.65 per hour, the para professional gets $18.17 and the substitute secretary is paid $19.72 per hour.
The Z-M food service provides free breakfast and lunch during the summer months and so far the district served 4,983 meals in June and 4,648 meals in July and were reimbursed nearly $42,000 by the state for those two months.