Zumbro Falls City Council Meeting - April 12, 2023


Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - April 12, 2023

The Zumbro Falls City Council met at City Hall. All Council members were present except for Sara Anderson. The meeting was called to order at 6PM by the mayor.

Clerk read to council the minutes of the March meeting which were accepted as read with a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Treasures report given by Phil with acceptance with a motion from Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Bruce reported to council that the FEMA grant fund should be received in mid May for the Fire Department Air Packs.

Discussion was made on the Community Garden. It was decided to raise the cost per garden to $25.00 by a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried. This cost increase is due to the expense to get the gardens ready and to maintain the mulch pit.

Motion was made by Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried to not waive the monetary limits on the municipal tort limits for the current insurance year.

Discussion followed concerning the sales of Hemp in Zumbro Falls. The clerk will contact the City Attorney with questions on how to handle these sales along with the future of legal cannabis.

Council approved the special event to be held by the VFW Post 1802 in May under their Club license. This approved with a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried. Clerk will email the paperwork to Alcohol and Gambling.

Motion made for the clerk to pay all bills and the meeting to adjourn by Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Submitted by,

Susan Eischens, Clerk