Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - May 11, 2022


Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - May 11, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6PM by the mayor. All council members present along with the Fire Chief.

Clerk read the minutes of the April meeting to council with acceptance by a motion from Bankers, seconded Dennison, all in favor, carried.

Treasurer’s report followed with acceptance with a motion from Anderson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Nate told council of a few updates concerning fire fighter members training. Donations were accepted from Cathy Klindworth in the amount of $50.00 to the Fire Department and $100.00 from Milton and Kathy Solomonson for the memorial in their namesake with a motion from Anderson, seconded Dennison, all in favor, carried.

A motion to renew and approve the liquor licenses presented by the clerk for the year ending in May of 2023 was put in place by Dennison, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Clerk discussed the letter received from the attorney representing the City in the Case of Grimm verses the City of Zumbro Falls. Council agreed to letting the attorney use his judgment on how to proceed if the cost to the City will only be the deductible.

Motion was then made for the clerk to pay bills presented and the meeting to adjourn.

Submitted by,

Susan Eischens, Clerk