Regular Meeting of the Mazeppa City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
The regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Council Persons Steve Liffrig, Michael Hammes, Dustin
Wiebusch, and Erica Young.
Others Present: City Attorney Luke Lamprecht, City Engineer Matt Mohs, Municipal Liquor
Store Manager Todd Ihrke, Public Works Director Scott Ellingson, Andrew Forliti from
Smith-Schafer, Wabasha County Patrol Sargent Jason Bade, John Clemens, Andrew Miller, and City Administrator-Clerk Karl Nahrgang.
Present via electronic meeting: Holly Galbus from the News Record.
Motion by Hammes, second by Liffrig to approve the agenda, as amended and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Hammes, second by Wiebusch to approve the September 11, 2024, regular Council meeting minutes and the September 25, 2024, Special Council meeting minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Wabasha County Sherriff’s Patrol Sargent Jason Bade gave the monthly Incident Command Report. He said that the hours provided are short due to officer staffing, but that Mazeppa has been calm.
Public Works Director Scott Ellingson gave the Public Works report and asked for Council’s opinion on trash can options for the central business district and will be ordering them soon.
Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang read the Fire Department report.
Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke gave the liquor store report.
City Engineer Matt Mohs presented the engineering report.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve contract with American Engineering Testing for testing services associated with the Wastewater Treatment Plant project. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
John Clemens confirmed that a damaged branch on 3rd Ave. between Oak and Aspen Streets poses a danger to anyone using the road.
The City has already contacted a tree service to trim branches.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve building permits 24-920-078, 269 Hwy 60 E – commercial/retail building. 24-920-091, 281 1st Ave. N – furnace install. 24-920-082, 1535 Cherry St. E – deck. 24-920-080, 247 Hwy 60 W – building addition. 24-920-079, 1465 River Bluff Rd. SE – Fireplace. 94-920-086, 322 Maple St. NE – re-roof. 62, 347 5th Ave NE – in-floor heat. 24-920-063 331. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve 2024-2025 snow removal contract with Wabasha County to pay the City of Mazeppa $3303.16 for snow removal along County Road 1 (1st Ave.) from Hwy 60 to Chestnut St. and along County Road 54. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to table personnel handbook. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Chestnut Estates development contract is in the process of being re-signed and notarized.
First Reading of Ordinance 2024-04 regulating cannabis businesses.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to set a public hearing for November 13, 2024, at 6:00 PM regarding Ordinance 2024-04 regulating cannabis businesses. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Culvert outlet repair at 3rd Ave. SE will be reconsidered to be addressed when more riverbank funding is secured.
Andrew Forliti of Smith Schafer reviewed the 2023 audit for Council.
Motion by Young, second by Hammes to approve 2023 City Audit. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to set the Truth-in-Taxation hearing for December 11, 2024, at 6:30 PM. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to accept quote from Legends Concrete for drive over curb and gutter installation on 5th Ave. NE for $11,660 and for 3rd Ave. NE for $13,200. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Andrew Miller, representing the Mazeppa Trail Committee updated the Council on the grant process. He has been working with the City engineer on planning steps for letters of intent for 2 separate grants offered by the State of Minnesota. Mr. Miller will send letters of intent to City Hall for additional information and to be submitted by October 18, 2024. Mr. Miller asked the Council to approve an official trail map for grant submissions.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to set a public hearing for November 13, 2024, at 6:30 PM on an official City of Mazeppa Trail Map. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Liffrig, second by Young to approve Resolution 2024-30 Accepting donations from the Mazeppa Lion’s Club. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
The City of Mazeppa is a member of the Zumbrota Area Ambulance Association, a joint powers agreement. New membership requires current member approval.
Motion by Young, second by Hammes to approve Mazeppa Township joining the Zumbrota Area Ambulance Association. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Hammes to table Ordinance 45-1.25 setting 2025 City fees until fees can be reviewed and added if need be. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to accept quote for $14,300.85 from Outback Fence & Fabrication for the dog park to be fenced. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to pay the bills and claims. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Liffrig, second by Hammes to Close the meeting to protect attorney-clint privilege under Minnesota Stature 13d.05, subdivision 3(b) where the attorney client privilege outweighs open meeting requirements regarding litigation of service of claim by MB Sveen Properties LLC regarding public’s right to use the portion of 4th Ave. NE crossing parcel R23.00249.00. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Regular meeting of the City Council was closed at 7:23 PM.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to re-open the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Regular meeting of the City Council was re-opened at 8:21 PM.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to take no action on claim in potential litigation with MB Sveen Properties, LLC. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Council members requested the City engineer to schedule a formal groundbreaking ceremony for the new Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Motion by Liffrig, second by Hammes to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.
Next meeting: 6:00 PM, November 13, 2024.