Missy’s Message


December sure snuck up fast. I was trying to recall exactly when I started writing these articles, so I looked back at my computer files. March of 2012 was my first Missy’s Message article in the Mazeppa Messenger. Wow, almost 13 years writing have flew by, along with a lot of life changes. Back in 2012, I was working at Mayo Clinic and was a Wellness Champion for my work area. I wrote articles for work, so would tweak them a little to turn them into an article for the Messenger. Each month, trying to come up with a fresh and new topics. My plan for writing was to practice what I preach to living a healthier lifestyle. Looking back, I don’t know how I juggled being a mom, working at Mayo Clinic, working at MotoProz, and writing articles all these years. Now my boy is all grown up and moved out, I no longer work at Mayo Clinic, and I feel I have even less spare time. We are always on the go, busy working.

January is the start of the new year and new year’s resolutions. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Enough of the resolutions. Make a plan and tackle it. Anyone out there have an interest in writing? The Messenger is looking for more writers to take on stories. Email your news, ideas, or photos to hometownmessenger@mgail.com.

Memo from MotoProz…

MotoPhest #18 at MotoProz! Established in 2007; this will be our 18th annual open house. Starts the Friday after Thanksgiving. Friday, November 29 through Saturday, December 7! 7 days of sales, 6 bucks off oil, $5 MotoProz T’s, for Christmas gifts, three free pens, to get some MotoMunchies, and a discount on all in store clothing!