A Monthly Moment at MotoProz


The last Monday of April, Monty came to me and said, “My tooth hurts”.  I told him to take a couple Advil.  I forgot about it.  The next day at work, he grabbed a flashlight and said “look at my tooth”.  It was one of his wisdom teeth.  It was really swelled up.  Holy cow!  Monty goes to the dentist in town.  I gave him a call and left a message.  Lucky for Monty, he took-a-look at it right away; and said he could take it out Friday (on his day off).  I asked Monty if he wanted me to go with.  He said no, and he'd be fine.  A couple shots of Novocain, 20 minutes later, he was done and back to work at MotoProz.  Thank goodness for small town service!