It’s been a couple years since the boys raced snocross, since their race was cancelled last year. Father and son, Mike and Monty of MotoProz decided to participate in Sunday Funday Snocross race at ERX in Elk River, Minnesota on Sunday, March 10th. ERX had been making snow and having snocross racing all year there, despite any “real” snow here in Minnesota. Race day was daylight savings time. We were up at 6AM (felt like 5AM) and headed north. Racing started at 11 AM but check-in was 8AM. The boys first race went without any mishaps. Race #2, on the other hand, was another story.
When they started race #2, Mike got a good whole shot and was running in 2nd place until the guy in front of him crashed hard. They restarted the race. You’ll have to check out the video I took on Facebook of race #2. About 10 seconds into my video, Mike did a flip off his snowmobile. He hopped back on and ended up getting 4th out of 11 racers in his Ditchbanger class. On the video, you can see Monty two guys behind him. Monty stopped the racer in back of Mike, so he couldn’t run Mike over. Mike’s left hand was swollen, he scalped his shin, and his back hurt for over a week. He’s doing better every day and is planning on racing again next year!