Clerk Chatter


Recently the Council of the City of Mazeppa held public hearings. The participation in these meetings was good, and the comments and questions were helpful. Dollar General has approached a local landowner about purchasing property in Mazeppa. Preliminary discussions with companies doing background research for land acquisition and engineering are ongoing. At any time during this process, it may be determined that it is not feasible. During this research phase, many rumors get started, but until an agreement is signed, no one knows if the project will move forward. A portion of the land needed to have zoning changed before an agreement can be completed.

One comment expressed was that it seems as if the City is trying to “operate in the shadows”. Nothing is farther from the truth. Council meetings, EDA meetings, and all committee meetings are open to the public. Council meetings are posted 3 days before the meeting in accordance with open meeting statute. City Hall publishes its meeting minutes after approval on the City’s website. Minutes are not a transcription, but they are a report of the business conducted. If there are questions that are not answered during these meetings, City Hall is available from 8A – 5P Monday though Thursday, and until noon on Friday. We are always happy to answer questions that you have. So give us a call if you have questions on City business.