The Three Wise Men, also known as the Magi or the Three Kings, were visitors who traveled to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews, Jesus Christ. The Bible does not specify the number of wise men; the idea that there were three comes from the mention of three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They came from the East- possibly Persia, more likely from Arabia. But again, we don’t really know- Scripture doesn’t tell us- probably in the fact that it doesn’t tell us, means that it really doesn’t matter where they were from or how many there were. The importance of their homage was the reason why they came. Verse 2 shows us their mission. “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.” They had seen the star and had traveled to where they believed the star led- Jerusalem- (where else would a king of Judah be born?) and had come to worship Him.
So, what is worship? For many Christians, worship is what we do on Sunday morning. Singing a few songs, listening to a teaching, sharing communion, and doing whatever else is scheduled for the Sunday morning meeting time. But worship is so much more than Sunday morning singing time. True worship is really about what we give. Not what we receive. Worship is anything you and I do to esteem and magnify the worth-ship of God.
Worship isn’t a suggestion, it’s a command—and it’s essential if we are to live an obedient and surrendered life as a follower of Jesus. Everything we do is to serve as an act of worship. “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31. Paul said, whatever you do…. Whatever you do… milk cows, plow fields, type computer programs, wash dishes, clean up after children, serve in a hospital or work in a dump, all you do can be done for God’s glory, becoming worship unto Jesus.
While gratitude is thanking God for what He’s done, praise and worship is adoring Him for Who He is. Here are seven reasons worship is essential to the Christian life:
1. Worship focuses our minds—and hearts—on eternity. The wise men were astrologers. They believed him to be a God King- someone that was worthy of their worship. Worshipping this King was to a begin far beyond the place of their origin.
Worship the Lord, please Him, and He’ll keep you in constant touch with your purpose for being here and will give you joy and peace while you remain obedient to Him.
2. Worship keeps you focused on God, not yourself. We can so easily be all about ourselves. Our self-love mentality can make us believe we exist for ourselves. Yet we exist to glorify God. To focus on God’s worth-ship is to get ourselves out of the picture and let Him take the spotlight.
3. Worship prioritizes our hearts and lives. Another aspect of worship is giving of your time, talents, and treasure. That prioritizes our life as we give our time and money to what is most important to us. In Matthew 6:19-20, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal
4. Worship slows us down and reminds us of what matters most. One of my favorite worship activities is my daily time walking our dogs up and down the gravel road. The next best time for me is to go outside early in the morning or in the evening and just look up at the stars- God’s handiwork and worship the one that created all things! I can’t help but recognize and adore God when I’m outside among the beauty of His creation—away from technology, mobile devices, and anything with a screen or “signal.”
5. Worship is a witness to the world of our love of Jesus. We all worship (or serve) something. Money. Fame. Possessions. People. Social Status. Substances. Self. The wise men had come to worship the new King- Jesus- God’s Son. They had a desire, an inner urging to leave their country and travel many miles, perhaps years, to give their worship to this new king.
6. Worship readies us for what’s to come. It is essential that we be in worship shape when we enter eternity. None of us knows exactly when our time on earth will expire. Therefore, we want to be in worship shape by the time we enter God’s presence, not wishing we’d spent more earthly hours preparing for our heavenly home.
And that’s where corporate worship comes in. While we can worship individually (our heart connecting with God’s), there’s also a dynamic and necessary component of worshiping with other believers. Corporate worship includes accountability, encouragement, and the lifting up of one another as we grow together in unity. Jesus said our unity, and united worship, with other believers would be evidence of our love for Him. There’s a reason the world looks at “the church” differently. Be a part of a local, growing, thriving body of Christ. It is essential to grow spiritually and mature in your faith and unity with other believers.
7. Worship feeds our souls. Have you noticed it’s sometimes difficult to find anything to be grateful for if you are not regularly in His Word and being reminded that everything you have has been given to you? Do you ever lack spiritual energy and focus? That’s because just like the human body needs food, water, and sleep, the soul needs worship to be refreshed, refueled, and re-energized. Give worship to the One who deserves it all. It’s the only way you’ll grow in obedience and intimacy with Him.
The wise men traveled many miles to worship the newborn king. That’s commitment. That’s dedication! They sacrificed their time, and they gave gifts to the Christ child. They understood the importance of giving of themselves back to God. They understood the importance of true worship and truly worshiping the holy God of the universe.
True worship is being ready to be in the presence of God. Whether you travel thousands of miles to experience it, like the wisemen- or begin praising God as you get out of bed in the morning- begin 2024 with a new resolve truly worship HIM.