Regular Meeting of the Mazeppa City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
The regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Council Persons Michael Hammes, Erica Young, and Dustin
Others Present: City Attorney Luke Lamprecht, City Engineer Matt Mohs, Public Works Director
Scott Ellingson, Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke, Davi Kujawa from
3 Rivers Action, and Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang.
Present via electronic meeting: Wabasha County Sherriff’s Chief Deputy Jim Warren, Holly
Galbus from the News Record, and Robert Josselyn.
Absent: Councilperson Steve Liffrig.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve the agenda and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve the March 13, 2024 regular Council meeting minutes and the March 23, 2024 Council quorum minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Wabasha County Sherriff’s Chief Deputy Jim Warren presented the monthly Incident Command Report. City staff mentioned to him that 4-wheelers were tearing up the grass in the park.
Public Works Director Scott Ellingson gave the Public Works monthly report.
Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang gave the Fire Department report.
Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke gave the liquor store report.
City Engineer Matt Mohs gave an engineering update.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to direct Bolton and Menk to move forward with drafting a revised right-of-way and easement map. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
City Administrator Karl Nahrgang gave a City Hall activities report.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to set a public hearing regarding rezoning for Parcels R23.00027.00 and R23.00190.00 from R-1 to C-2. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
David Kujawa from 3 Rivers Action told the Council about additional adult aide volunteer programs focused on helping eligible individuals do yardwork, house cleaning, care provider respite, as well as the traditional meals programs.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve building permit MZ23-15, 576 4th Ave. NE – set manufactured home. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve building permit 24-920-052, 362 Cherry St. E garage furnace re-activation. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to allow Lion’s Club to move forward with a project to build an addition to their existing building located on City property. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch ton increase election judge pay to $20/hour. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
A change in the Tax Increment Financing collection dates was proposed by the City’s financial advisor due to the delay in estimated start date of the commercial project at 217 1st Ave. N.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to change the collection dates in the development agreement for Tax Increment Financing to begin in 2026 and completed upon conclusion of the 2035 collection year. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Council directed the City Administrator to discuss merits with staff and to look into costs for City provided work cell phones.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to approve 2024 Fire Contracts between the Mazeppa Volunteer Fire Department and the Zumbrota, Pine Island, Mazeppa, and Chester Townships. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve Resolution 2024-11 Accepting a donation from the Mazeppa Lion’s Club. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to set public hearing for May 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM for Flood Risk Mitigation ordinances in areas of future development. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to pay the bills and claims. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
City Attorney Luke Lamprecht sited posting and publishing procedures for Land Management Ordinance public hearings. He also asked if the Riverbluff Estates Minor Subdivision 2 replat had been filed.
Councilperson Young thanked the Mazeppa Lion’s Club for the donation towards music in the park, said that the Market/Music in the Park events would be on the 3rd Thursday of the months of June, July, August, and September, and reminded everyone that the Herb Vik Park cleanup would take place on May 18 beginning at 9:00 AM.
Councilperson Wiebusch thanked Bolton and Menk for presenting the sewer collection project, water extension, and WWTP informational meetings.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.