Regular Meeting of the Mazeppa City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
The regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Council Persons Steve Liffrig, Michael Hammes, Erica Young,
and Dustin Wiebusch.
Others Present: City Attorney Luke Lamprecht, City Engineer Matt Mohs, Wabasha County
Sherriff’s Patrol Sargent Jason Bade, Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke, Joe
Sand, and Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang.
Present via electronic meeting: Holly Galbus from the News Record.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve the agenda and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve the February 14, 2024 regular Council meeting minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Wabasha County Sherriff’s Patrol Sargent Jason Bade presented the monthly Incident Command Report. A Council member mentioned that a small blue Ford had been speeding down 1st Ave. every morning during the week.
No Public Works report was given.
Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang the Fire Department report.
Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke gave the liquor store report.
City Engineer Matt Mohs gave an engineering update.
City Administrator Karl Nahrgang gave a City Hall activities report.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to approve Rever Bluff second subdivision. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-06 Temporarily Closing portions of Walnut St. and 2nd Ave. NE for Cleanup Day. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to approve 2024 Cost of Living Adjustments and merit pay raises for City staff. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve the Administrator Clerk contract for 2024. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-07 renewing liquor licenses for 2024. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to accept quote of $23,557.00 for excavating and base for 5th Ave. NE improvement. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Hammes to approve Resolution 2024-08 transferring funds from G.O. loan to general operating funds to pay for current costs on WWTP project. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Hammes, second by Young to approve Resolution 2024-09 issuing a temporary off-site gambling permit for the Mazeppa Lion’s Club. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-10 issuing a temporary off-site gambling permit for Mazeppa Fire Relief. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to pay the bills and claims. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Councilperson Young informed the Council that the Parks and Recreation committee would be holding a park cleanup on May 18 from 09:00 to 12:00 and that the summer market dates are set to be held on the 3rd Thursday of June, July, August, and September.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to recess the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting recessed at 6:58 PM.