Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - February 14, 2024
The Zumbro Falls Council met at 6pm at City Hall with all council members present.
Clerk read the minutes from the January meeting which were accepted as read by a motion
from Anderson seconded Benson, with all in favor, carried.
Treasurer’s report, given by the Clerk, was accepted with a motion from Bankers, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried.
Discussion followed on the purchasing of two new pumps for the Lift Station. Further discussion and more information will follow at the next council meeting.
Donation from the Olmsted Medical Center was received in the amount of $500.00 to be used for the Fire Department`s greatest need. This donation was accepted with a motion from Anderson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.
The Zumbro Falls Fire Department proposed budget for 2024 was approved with a motion from
Benson, seconded Anderson, all in favor carried.
Council agreed to approve the contract with MMS Environmental for the 2024 year by a motion from Benson, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried. There were no price increases for the year 2024.
Motion for the meeting to adjourn and the Clerk to pay all bills presented was made by Bankers,
seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.
Submitted by,
Susan Eischens, Clerk