Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - January 10, 2024
The Zumbro Falls City Council met at 6PM at City Hall with all members present along with Fire Chief, Scott Kennedy, also attending was Mike Bubany from David Drown, and Assoc.
Clerk read the minutes from the December meeting which were accepted as read by a motion from Benson, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried.
Treasurer’s report followed with a motion to accept by Bankers, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried.
Mike Bubany was asked to attend the meeting to discuss with council how TIF affects the City’s finances now and in the future so council could get a better understanding how TIF works.
Scott said the Township Budget meeting is set for February 13th. Discussion was made on the replacing of Grass rig #12 which is 20 years old. Scott asked council if the yearly pay for the 2nd Assistant position, (which has ended in the new structure), could be divided between the Training Officer and the Assistant. Council agreed to split the $1,000.00 as follows: $500.00 to the Training Officer, $250.00 to the Assistant Training Officer, and $250.00 added to the Fire Chief’s pay. This approved by a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried
Donations to the Fire Department are as follows: $1,000.00 from the ZF Fire Relief for Fire Equipment, $98,000.00 from ZF Fire Relief for the Truck Fund, $250.00 from Thoren Mangold, and $500.00 from Jack Priggens to go into the general fund of the Fire Department. All donations accepted by a motion from Bankers, seconded Anderson, all in favor carried.
Resolution 24-01 was put in place with a motion from Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried. This resolution is the schedule of fees for the year 2024.
Council agreed to the following to represent the City: Lake City Paper, Lakeshore Agency, Minnwest Bank, Attorney firm Hoff, Barry and Kosar, Bolten and Menk for City Engineering Firm, Paul Bankers as acting Mayor, Bruce Heitmann as weed inspector and the ZF Fire Relief Trustees are the Mayor and Clerk. Polling places remain in the Post Office, Falls Standard and Rod’s Service. Motion to accept by Benson, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried.
Jason Faas has agreed to be the Planning and Zoning Administrator for the year 2024.
Meeting to adjourn and the clerk to pay bills presented was made by a motion from Anderson, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.
Submitted by,
Susan Eischens, Clerk