Zumbro Falls City Council Meeting - July 12, 2023


Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - July 12, 2023

The Zumbro Falls City Council met at 6PM at City Hall. Members present were Bruce Heitmann, Phil Dennison, Susan Eischens, Paul Bankers, and Bob Benson. Sara Anderson was absent. Guests present were Barb Kennedy and Lori Windhorst.

Clerk read the minutes of the June meeting with acceptance as read by a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Treasures report given by Phil with acceptance by a motion from Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Lori Windhorst, President of the Zumbro Falls Lioness/Lions, addressed council with a proposal for a concrete slab to place a bench near the library stand located on the city lot next to City Hall. Their project will be joined with the Fire Department as they plan to move the bell to that location along with a flag pole. She also mentioned that they would like to hold a Fall Festival with details to be worked out.

Toni Leonard contacted Bruce and stated she did not want to clean City/Fire Hall anymore. Barb Kennedy has agreed to take her place which was approved with a motion by Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Discussion on the lighting bill for the Memorial was decided to be paid by the City moving forward. This runs roughly around $300.00 a year. Motion for this made by Bankers, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Motion for Bruce to get bids for a couple dead tree removals was made by Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Resolution 23-02 was put in place with a motion from Benson, seconded Bankers, all favor, carried. This is the agreement between the State of Mn., acting through its Depts. Of Public Safety on behalf of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and the City of Zumbro Falls on behalf of its Prosecuting Attorney. The BCA and the City of Zumbro Falls may be referred to jointly as “Parties.

Donations were accepted as follows: $200.00 from Valley Bodywerx and $300.00 from Daryl and Linda Bluhm for the Memorial. Motion for acceptance made by Bankers, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Street repairs for School Dr. and Dreamwald Blvd. are tentatively set for July 31 or August 1st. Clerk will contact residents for these upcoming repairs and where they can park their vehicles during the project.

Motion for the clerk to pay bills presented and the meeting to adjourn made by Benson, seconded Bankers, all in favor carried.

Submitted by,

Susan Eischens, Clerk