Zumbro Falls City Council Meeting - November 8, 2023


Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - November 8, 2023

The Zumbro Falls City Council met at 6PM at City Hall. All members present except council person, Bob Benson and Fire Chief, Scott Kennedy.

The Mayor called the meeting to order and the Clerk read the October meeting minutes to council with acceptance as read by a motion from Anderson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried. Clerk also gave the financial reports which were accepted with a motion from Bankers, seconded Anderson, all in favor, Carried.

Mike Morris from MMS Environmental attended the meeting and discussed various things concerning the City Sewer Ponds, Lift Station, etc.

Fire Department donations are as follows, Emery Bremer for $200.00, Roger and Linda Pettis for $100.00, and Ellen Stelling for $20.00 all to go to the Fire Department general Fund. Donations accepted with a motion from Anderson, seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Council agreed to sponsor and pay for the Christmas Lighting contest winners totaling $500.00. Clerk will pay each winner and have the winners posted on the website and posting places. This agreed with a motion from Anderson seconded Bankers, all in favor, carried.

Resolution No. 23-03 was put in place with a motion from Bankers, seconded Heitmann, all in favor, carried, for filing of water and sewer delinquent customers at the County for taxes collected in 2024.

The meeting then to adjourn and the clerk to pay all bills presented followed by a motion from Bankers, seconded Anderson, all in favor, carried.

Submitted by,

Susan Eischens, Clerk