The Main Thing


When I was a little girl- around 5-6 years old I did something very foolish- Let me give you some background- in my young mind I had decided that we needed a new house. Not sure why- possibly I didn’t like sharing a bedroom- I really can’t remember why I wanted a new house. My mom had to go and help my dad with something and left me home with my little sister- who wasn’t walking yet. This was my chance! I packed my little suitcase, and brought my sister, and a bunch of toys downstairs. Then I took some matches up to my room. I went to my mattress and lit a match. It landed on the mattress-and it seemed to go out. And, if I’m remembering correctly- I had second thoughts- and realized that this wasn’t a good idea- and I thought- ok- it didn’t light anyway so I think everything is ok. Unfortunately, the fire hadn’t went out and it did catch my mattress on fire- It didn’t burn down the house- but it sure smoked it up bad and made a terrible mess. I was in huge trouble- but I’m happy to say that I never played with fire again!

This message isn’t about the fact that children shouldn’t play with matches. It is about the intensity of our focus. A magnifying glass increases the power of the sunlight- it focuses it on the tinder and brings enough heat that will stir up some sparks and bring a flame. As believers- as a church we are called to have that same kind of focus- that same intentionality to keep the main thing the main thing.

Probably the most famous chapter in the Bible- one verse in particular, John 3:16. We see it in end zones during football games, or in the stands at baseball games- even at golf events..) John 3:16 remains the most well-know verse of the Bible throughout the world! It is the core of the Christian faith.

God so loved the world that HE gave His one and only Son. His Son Jesus Christ. God the Father, God the Son… Jesus came from heaven. Jesus was with God in the beginning and reigns eternally with Him even now. Jesus lived with us on earth for about 33 years- he lived as the Son of Man and the Son of God. Jesus agreed with His Father to be the propitiation- to take our place-for our sins. He took care of all the past sin from Adam upon himself and all the future sin from his death to the end of time. He was the perfect lamb of God given for you and me and everyone always. His redemption is inclusive; it is available to all who choose to believe and receive it. God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, the whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life!” Jesus died to give us new life! Life free from the power of sin and death. Life filled with hope and purpose. Life eternal with Him, and Life abundant even now.

When we believe in Him- we receive His Spirit, and we are born again! We are new creatures- we have a new heart, a new outlook on life, a transformation. This is why this is the most known, most read, most memorized Bible verse of all time- if you know nothing else- this is enough. God gave His Son for YOU and ME. He isn’t willing that any would miss out. He loves those that He has created- and since he has created all people- He loves them ALL! And Jesus died for ALL- not just for the righteous, not only for the rich and famous, but for every single person that has ever lived or will live! That’s why this verse is the MAIN THING we need to know and to share. Without this truth- nothing else will last. We must keep Jesus at the center of our lives- of all we do as people, of all we are as a church. It is so easy to get ‘busy’ doing good things and forget the main thing. Steve Covey says in his classic work, First Things First, “Keep the main thing the main thing.” This is a key habit of highly effective people. This is critical for believers and churches. Dave Ramsey calls this type of attitude, gazelle intensity!

There is nothing that even remotely compares to the incarnation, the birth, the life, the death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! This is what stands out as the unique truth that separates Christianity from every other religion on the face of the earth; past, present, and future!

There is no other religion here on earth where God actively pursues people so that they can have eternal life. There is no other religion on earth where God literally demonstrates His passion for the people He created. There is no other religion here on earth where we can be assured of eternal life while we are still alive here on earth!

There is no other God that invites us into a personal relationship, who forgives us, who enables us to find salvation, who enables us to live holy lives because He actually lives within us, who gives us spiritual gifts and who gives us the ability to accomplish any task He asks us to do.

Let’s get back to the core of Christianity, “for God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son.” Found people find people. This is our model for the way in which we introduce more and more people to Jesus. Keep the main thing the main thing: like a magnifying glass- lets have that same intensity to preach the gospel, to tell the gospel to others, to live out the gospel in our lives! We are called to harness all our energies and efforts into one unified focus so that more and more people can know Jesus. John Wesley said, “Catch yourself on fire for God and people will come from miles just to watch you burn.” Keep Jesus at the Center of Your Easter Celebration. Keep the main thing, the main thing!