234 results total, viewing 121 - 140
How many t-shirts are too many? My husband Mike mainly wears a t-shirt. It is rare you see him in anything else, even when it is 0 degrees out. At home, we each have our own walk-in closet, so he’s … more
Ready for Spring? We are!! Check out our inventory of new E-Z-Go Golf carts, new and used ATVs and side by sides, and new and used Hustler mowers online at or stop in and see what we … more
It’s been a couple years since the boys raced snocross, since their race was cancelled last year. Father and son, Mike and Monty of MotoProz decided to participate in Sunday Funday Snocross race at … more
The Mazeppa Area Food Shelf opened its doors in January of 2015 by a group of six longtime friends from the local area and is now being organized by Jim Perrotti, Food Shelf Director, and his team of … more
MotoProz is well known for their wide selection of new and used Arctic Cat Power Sport Machines such as ATV’s, UTV’s and Snowmobiles as well as fulfilling an important need within this amiable … more
Thank You American Auxiliary Post #588 for 16 years of dedicated service The Mazeppa American Legion Post #588 would like to thank Eva Van De Walker and the American Auxiliary Post #588 for all of … more
This is Katie Kennedy's 16th year at ZM & 20 year teaching. She taught at White Bear Lake & Forest Lake before coming to ZM. When asked why she keeps coming back she said, “We live here, have roots … more
The Polar Plunge was held on Friday March 15th. The Unified Physical Education class in cooperation with Special Olympics Minnesota raised a total of $11,383! 95 Students and Staff participated in … more
The City of Mazeppa’s annual Cleanup Day is scheduled for May 4, 2024, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. This event gives all residents the opportunity to bring items that are not readily disposed of in weekly … more
Are you acting as a caregiver for a loved one? Do you wish you knew how to take better care of yourself? Considering attending a Powerful Tools for Caregiver workshop coming soon to Goodhue. … more
As warmer weather approaches, I like to think of relaxing outdoors, enjoying my flower gardens in bloom, and generally being at peace. However, what I also see are PROJECTS. Most are mundane, moving … more
THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955- CONTINUED Obituaries PETER JOHN REILAND Peter John Reiland of Rivera, Calif., passed … more
I love reading articles or Facebook posts about organizing. The Minimal Mom is one of the Facebook pages I enjoy reading tips from. I think the best advice I have read is declutter, downsize, and use … more
A couple weeks back, a customer stopped in with his 15-year-old son, Will, who was interested in job-shadowing Mike at MotoProz for a Saturday morning for his Careers class at Zumbrota-Mazeppa. He … more
January 1, I committed myself to make a plan each day. I start my day by drinking 1 or 2 glasses of water. If I can’t exercise right away in the morning, I figure out when I can do it later, and … more
‘Mazeppa Winter-Fest - 2024’ was held last month on Saturday, February 10, 2024. Mazeppa Winter-Fest has been a successful community fundraising event for many years and continues to bring in a … more
The Mazeppa American Legion will be hosting their annual fundraising event what is referred to as the ’52 Club’ on Saturday March 23, 2024. Doors to this event open at 5:00 pm and will take place … more
Mike and Monty were supposed to be gone on their yearly snowmobile trip to Michigan, but mother nature did not cooperate. They headed up to our cabin for a weekend with friends, while I had already … more
What to do for exercise when it’s so cold out?!? My walking partner Jenny and I knew it was going to be too cold to walk outside the week of January 14th, so we decided to take the week off and not … more
The 5th Annual Drunken Dozen started January 1. Get a stamp at all 12 bars and receive a free shirt! Participating bars are Bellchester Tavern, Mac’s, Rock Bottom, Uncle John’s, Elgin Black Top … more
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